Tuesday, May 25, 2010

my chair

I bought a chair on ebay... something for the deck given that the deck is not finished and not even being worked on at the moment (for a long time now) then this is just an impulse buy that I have been trying to resist it has no home as well so its sitting in an awkward spot in the kitchen. It is also solo chair and I am now looking for another one to make a pair. Hopefully this will encourage us to start working on the deck very soon, we have had a lovely offer of help too.

Raining (take II)

Don't you hate it when you are almost finished and somehow without saving anything the computer decides to remove what you have already written. I was just looking at my extra long blog and this happened. (ALL GONE!) SIGH......

Yesterday was an interesting day. We had our first swimming lesson for my Red Headed Hurricane. This is not entirely true as I tried baby lessons for him when I got in the pool and swim with him with a class of mummy's and babies. He screamed for 3 lessons and they said don't bring him back for a while. I wonder what changed for him as he likes going in the pool and especially with me however not then.

This time it was just him and the teacher, I removed myself to the viewing room. At the end of the lesson the teacher informed me that he never stops talking, something that I am VERY aware of and that he is VERY strong willed. Again something that has not escaped my notice. He stayed on the steps most of the time and only came off with her when he had a death grip around her neck. Happy to quickly return to play on the step. Now this contradicts what he does at other times including going down a Giant Water slide with me or Daddy splashing into the deep pool. He also has become fearless with jumping into the deep end of the pool when I am only watching and have to retrieve him quickly before he goes to the bottom. He has no fear of water. He happily blows bubbles with his face in the water, allows the teacher to pour the water over his head and to kick and splash. I asked him later what the problem was and he told me, i have this bossy person telling me what to do in the pool, I don't like it, so it would seem that he is just not going to do what the teacher tells him sigh. It was funny watching them sit on the side and sing with him, goodness i wonder what he will be like at school. He is happy enough to go back again so we will see what develops at least he didn't scream.

Later on that day when taking my little Petal to her swimming lessons, same teacher, same pool, he decided to have a right ROYAL tantrum. It was the full on screaming, kicking and throwing himself on the ground and then yelling in my face. I popped him into the naughty corner that was available unfortunately we were in the observation room for the swimming pool at the time so everyone got the deafening yelling to enjoy whilst I gave him a bit of time at it. I asked him during the break between screaming if he was ready to say sorry and he replied.... "I am still thinking about it!" I had to walk away and a nearby mum was trying very hard not to laugh. It doesn't really help. He did calm down and become that nice little boy again but goodness it is hard going and I missed out on seeing some of my Petals swimming which made me very sad. She is making amazing progress and doing so very well. I am so impressed with all her achievements. She never ceases to amaze me with the things that she is learning to master. Things that we were told she would never be able to do.

Music is definitely a new favourite for her and she loves to put a CD on her player that my mum left to her and sing or dance along to it. She has master the cd player and even pauses it whilst she dashes off to go to the toilet or response to a request from the Hurricane.

My Petal got up with the microphone at the Farmers Market on the weekend and sung her little heart out, My hurricane went first, he was fine and enjoyed himself immensely. My Petal was very overwhelmed after the experience and cried a little, we were thrilled to bits and gave her lots of cuddles and told her what a great job she did. SO CUTE seeing her singing and he asked her to do a couple of songs, which she did. It is amazing to see the difference in the pair of them. The confidence seems to be given in excess to my Hurricane and my little Petal seems to have been busy whilst they were handing it out.

The cabinet is in and I have filled it up and changed it around a few times, I am happy with it now what is next..... SPLASHBACK, the colour changes every week at the moment I am thinking SILVER is a possibility it doesn't compete with any of the other colours in the area and seems to look nice. I wonder what colour it will be next week, Blue is the other favourite and glass coloured is also high on the list. I hope I make a decision soon.... I am still trying to source a place nearby that I can view them and also get one made up. No luck to date.


Last but not least isn't this lovely rain wonderful, i was just thinking a couple of days ago that it felt like ages since we have had rain and here it is. BRING IT ON the garden still needs more. Shame about the washing but I will cope.

Did I tell you that I am knitting at the moment, I have a jacket that needed something and so I saw my Mother-in-law knit up a silk scarf and felt that this would be perfect for me, I am so over it at the moment as I have found after starting that it was not a quick process even though one ball of silk, how hard can it be.... well you cannot undo any mistakes you have to start all over again and as I like to knit at night time after a full day of renovating, cleaning and other lovely things I can be tired and don't concentrate as well as I should. So I have undone it 6 times now..... if I have to again it will remain UNFINISHED, I will keep you posted. It is a lace pattern and I have never attempted anything like that before however I was enjoying it, I am still as long as I finish it soon. I have a new resolution to go and finish some of the UFO's. Before I buy anymore yarn however the beautiful yarn calls to me and it so lovely. I will see how I go with this too.

Friday, May 21, 2010

one of those days....

It has been one of those weeks really. So much happening and we are sick, not the kiddies which is hard going but myself and my other half. It makes things that bit harder.

We had the cabinet delivered today and installed, it is lovely unfortunately not measured correctly (by us) so nothing can be done, it stands 15 cms approx taller than the rest of the cabinets and I am trying to get over it not happy Jan. My lovely friend came up with the perfect solution so that has definitely made things a bit better. We are going to put a lip on top of all the other cabinets, which is more in keeping with the french style that I love. BIG THANKS to my beautiful and clever friend for that. So next thing is getting the little lips made up to even up all the cabinets and then goodness we will be going well. The cabinet is wonderful, we are going to have a lot of fun organising and filling it, so nice to have more cupboards in the house and more shelves.

My little boy must have listened carefully to my lecture this morning as I had asked for help from my little kiddies (not feeling well and seeming to have to do MUCH more) and when they didn't help and made it a bit harder on me this morning I cracked a bit and lectured them all the way to school today. My little petal might have a drawing or present for me no doubt. My little redheaded hurricane made me toast, buttered it (the best lumps that I have ever had) and put one lot with cinnamon (his favourite) and the other with strawberry jam (his other favourite) and got me to sit on the couch and eat it whilst we watched Yo Gabba Gabba together, saying to me "Am I helping you now?" They are really good kiddies. Poor loves, I am truly blessed, the best toast I have ever had and snuggled together too. Great tv too. LOL

My little Petal until this year has had the same best friend and been thrilled to bits, (as we were too so exciting watching our children make friends and especially someone special) now her best friend has a NEW best friend. I tried to talk to her about this, however the response that I received, was "Mummy I cannot talk about this now, it makes me too upset". I have been considering this for a while wondering what to do. I am so sad, my little lone twin was very attached and still is to her friend..... I am going to have to sit down and have a chat and see if we can do something to improve the situation. She has been quite lost without her! Maybe this is just one of those times that I cannot interfere but I can listen.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just Call Me Ron.....

I have been neglecting my lovely blogspot and feel very sad, I have been busy and thank goodness that my other half is home after a few weeks in Spain. We have come to the realisation that him leaving for weeks or months at a time is not beneficial to our family and causing to much trouble for us, so he is busy applying for engineering positions, so if anyone knows of anything please PLEASE send it our way. He has already applied for a few but no word so we are thinking that those are being ruled out.

I am busy getting ready with my other half to renovate again, we are working on things as we speak and this takes up a lot of our time. A new cabinet is going in the kitchen, lounge area.... we are also insulating the wall and painting, that is my job! This all needs to be done before the mums from OzMOST get here.... on well it wont be. lol.

My red headed hurricane has decided that instead of his name, he will tell people to "just call me Ron". Too much Harry Potter me thinks. He does like the magic and things that they do although most of the shows are a bit too scary for him, he tolerates the one with Dobby the house elf and that is it. He has just had another birthday goodness I can hardly believe my little baby is now not a baby, or even toddler anymore. He is my "big boy" now. i am sending him off to Kinder soon enough sigh.

Ok this is the start of the catch up hopefully somewhere I can fit in a bit more of my lovely blog. Stay tuned for more.