Monday, October 11, 2010

I am a hoon?????????????

Today i had another interesting experience with the Nasty neighbour desperately trying to bully me again, it is really getting old now. We have managed to avoid him except for the junk that ends up in our driveway from his ongoing building works and a few other minor issues, blocking the street, making it difficult to get in and out of driveway, parking across our driveway the usual trouble. It has been good that way however today he decided to call the police on me and tell them that I had fishtailed all the way up our street. I am one of the slower drivers and pride myself in going slowly along out street as it is a dirt road. I did leave almost quickly as he was out the front and it is great to see the dust land on the black car that is illegally parked blocking the turning circle nothing new there! He didn't have a chance to stand watering the road this time. So the police arrived at about lunchtime and spoke to me and asked me questions about our neighbour. I told them some of the problems we and other neighbours had had, of his bullying and I felt that this was another one of these occasions. They informed me that I should contact them immediately if is gets out of hand. I agreed and now I will continue with just living in our lovely sanctuary and enjoying the surroundings well almost all of them lol. At least the one lovely thing that came out of this was that they were making a note so that he couldn't try and involve them in a petty war that he is trying to wage, that was nice to know. My red headed hurricane was very happy to have the police there for his enjoyment. (Someone always benefits from occasions!)

i have to do some baking this week, I have found on Cathie's wonderful blog the perfect recipe for "sshhhh it's a secret function" at school this week . I have as a gift a new Dalek cookie cutter that is crying out to be tested and used and my Petal and myself agreed that we could do all different shapes which will look lovely. I have just escaped having to make a fascinator that attaches to a headband. I have no idea how to do this however she decided to wear a crown instead. I don't know if I am a little disappointed or not, the high expectations that Mummy can just wipe up anything is very very demanding and taxing at times. I will go searching as I think this might come up again in the near future especially with the cup goings on.

I am still searching desperately for a blueberry muffin recipe, please please if anyone knows of one I would love it before Saturday. (thank you) We have a brunch to attend with our lovely church people. Always very enjoyable.

i have just seen the weather forecast for this week and as always when I see the 15th October to be raining my heart sinks. It is our daughters anniversary and we love to have a picnic at the cemetery next to her grave with the children running around enjoy themselves with balloons and flowers and a candle. This always proves to be very difficult when it rains as it did last year. After the last couple of days of lovely weather I had my hopes up for a beautiful day. I will just have to see what unfolds.

Goodness in all the goings on today I forgot the really important ones. Firstly my Other Half ordersed the timber supports for the verandah as I have been told it cannot be a deck as it will have a roof. So exciting we went around to the timber places and had a lovely look at all the beautiful timbers and things. It is being delivered tomorrow.

Secondly our poor old boy Stanley, our lovely lovely newfoundland is not going well. He is nearly 12 now and extremely old for a Newfewie however up until recently been doing extremely well and he still tried to bite the man wanting to cut down our trees. He is a greenie our old boy. We are waiting to see what happens and what choices we have. He has been having regular injections that help his poor old joints and he has lovely cuddle with the kiddies and lots of attention. They like to decorate him and he tolerates them extremely well. They put petals on him and make him a king and give him grass as he likes to eat it plus other treats that they can find.

Friday, October 8, 2010


After school my Petal and myself sat down at the table with our craft things all spread out. We decided upon the colour and started to make a heart together. I took over a bit and my Petal was a little dismayed at the end at her lack of involvement so the second one she was given free rein and I was just allowed to help her upon request. It was a fabulous result and I am so pleased. My boy not to be out done went out to the garden and found a beautiful heart shaped leaf to give to me and proudly presented it to me. "My heart Mummy!"

Some afternoons are just so lovely!

We found all the information for the heart here

I also have to make the lovely bag of beans for her. She came home during the week and explained a task at school that she had had trouble with. The task was to throw a bean bag up in the air and clap before catching it. I thought she might be a little more motivated to practice if we firstly had a bean bag. and secondly if it was PINK. So after looking found a lovely one here and I am about to cut it out and run it up on the machine, of course if I make one for the Petal then the Red Headed hurricane will be making his demands so another one in Blue. He also wants to make a blueberry not a pink heart. Next I am looking for a blueberry pattern or modifying a pea on that I found as well.

our beautiful girls gift.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Yesterday we made heaps of progress around the house, not big things but lots of little things that all add up and make it lovely. The kitchen was tackled. So we now have a rangehood (working and lovely) we were measured for a splashback and FINALLY chose the colour. We had a list and were able to narrow it down easily and my little Petal made the choice, this one mummy and we all agreed. A yucky and very temperorary (12 years!) fluroscent light was removed and new one installed above the kitchen sink which is quite lovely to do the dishes now. The kitchen is actually starting to look finished. Today I am measuring a cupboard and getting those lovely inserts cupboard thingies that help keep me organised. I did all this under the sink and it has worked a treated so I continue to the next one. Pull out baskets seem to be the order of the day for the potatoes and another for the onions. I read somewhere that you shouldn't keep them together as we have been. Something about the onions releasing gasses that are not good for potatoes but don't quote me on that. Anyhow that is my excuse and I am happy to use it.

Off to do a load of washing and ironing whilst the sun is still out. Multitasking is good.

I forgot to add tonight me and the kiddies are going to tackle Felt animals or food. I found a couple of free patterns and we will see how we go. Strawberries and donuts are the favourite at the moment,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

my 4 years old dictionary.

I have my red headed hurricane who has from early on given things different names. I thought about writing them all down like I did with my girl and her words however somehow I didn't. until now.....

Bum bum, is a bin located outside.
Fox Tail, the subscription that you get for paid tv.
Wetting, the act of marriage.
Boundy barrel, a barrel with wheels that is used in the garden to relocate things generally soil or compost.
Gondalean, a big round thing in the middle of the road that cars go round and round. This is only referred to when a GPS is on.
Music box, a box that plays music normally cd's.
Grassy Man a grass tree growing in the garden or in a pot.
Rubbbbbeee dubbeeee a tummy rub with cream after a bath.
Buddled up, wrapped up in the towel after a shower or bath and carried around whilst being given Kisses!
Nanna Bread, naan bread served with curry.
Garlic Nanna, as above but garlic on top.
No thank ewes, food that is not appealing in either smell or texture.
Morang a Tang, a large orange monkey.
Bummet Train, the bullet train in Japan that goes extremely fast.
Woofy cushion, a cushion that you sit on that makes funny noises.
Gangle a pathway in the garden leading to somewhere secret.

That is about all I can think of at the moment. I am sure that I will add to this list. It is funny how the little things the children do or say that are the most appealing.