It has been a lovely holiday and quite a bit has been done. We went away, we worked hard on the house and garden, we painted and mowed and mowed again and dreamed about all the lovely things yet to do and what we might make work better in the future for us. I love that the garden is actually starting to take shape and recover from all the years of NO rain. Our favourite apple tree is covered in fruit for the first time in 10 years. The children are watching them grow and grow. I love that our home is evolving and becoming nicer than I ever dreamed it would. (with a long way to go yet but lovely progress is being made).
We went for a holiday with the van..... we had the lovely new curtains which were WONDERFUL. They kept the very early morning light out. They made the van look like what it used to. My mother had changed some of the curtains from the purple material to a soft pink with backing. We decided to stay with the backing however return to the purple and a very similar material too. So they all matched with a few minor changes. We decided that the curtains near the bed needed to be a bit longer. The curtains in front of the bed area were made the same length as each other as the one closest to the stove was shorter we kept them without backing another good decision. The rest of the curtains didn't get time to have backing put on all of them however we all found that with the annex set up that was not a problem either and now we are back we can get them finished in our own good time. We needed a whisk (for pancakes as double ingredients is too hard to mix with a fork) and a bigger fry pan which we have (but didn't take with us) and it would be absolutely perfect. We need to make a few minor repairs and touch ups and the van should go well for us for at least another few years.
The kids loved going on holiday in the van and sleeping in the annexe on their new bunk bed. A space saver and bought at a camping shop so nice and low to the ground. The novelty didn't wear off the whole time. They loved going for walks all the days, walking to see the movies, walking in the morning to the bakery and to the coffee shop to get Daddy a fresh coffee. The car hardly got used. They loved being at the beach and playing in the sand and surf and using the boogie board for the first time. My petal loved having her first pair of thongs. With her problems we were able to find a pair of thongs with a strap on the back that meant she could actually wear them and walk in them and the best part of all they were PINK and SPARKLY! What more could a pink girl ask for. She was so happy she told everyone that she meet about her new thongs. We knew what they meant for her to finally be able to wear a pair.
The kids thought that the toilet blocks were a meeting place to make friends and chat to everyone. I was amazed at home many people waved and spoke to them on our walks up the street and around the area. Even the lovely cleaning lady came and gave them a smarties biscuit each when they were leaving and said she would miss them. They had been talking to her and entertaining her everyday whilst she was working hard.
They especially loved going on our good friends boat.... "Secret Men's Business" and going very fast. I managed to catch a fish with my girl on her lovely new "pink" fishing rod. We caught a Pinky seemed very apt! One night my other half caught some lovely fish and we had fish and chips which was very grand. We found a farmers market on a Friday not too far away from where we were and managed to get some lovely fruit and veggies and had the best feasts ever. I think the food always tastes so much better on holiday.
They also loved their freedom to be able to roam and adventure with us saying don't go far, stay near, don't go near the road and all the other things that overprotective parents say to their children all day. They were allowed to cross the road in the park without holding an adults hand, they were able to go out of site for a little while and come back and tell us about all their adventures. They had a wonderful friend and his younger sister to play with everyday and always new people to talk to and places to explore. They had 2 op shops and the children always wondered and speculated on what fabulous finds they would get from their visits to one or the other. I didn't do too badly either. A lovely large embroidery hoop, 2 bowls that I had been searching for a while were found, a book or 2 a lovely japanese square of material in dark indigio, a few placemats and all sorts of wonders for the children including a lovely purple chair for my hurricane with our other daughters name on it. They were thrilled especially with this lovely find.
So now our new adventure begins. My huricane is off to Kinder this year actually on Monday. My Petal is back to school and I am off to do some study if I can get my act together. I will keep you posted. Have to dash so many things still to label and sort out and unpack from the van.
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