Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We are learning all about the caravan. Firstly we have learnt that old things break! We have found that some things are easy to replace with like for like. Other things are proving a bit tricky.

Secondly if the van is not level the fridge does not work and caravan fridges are VERY expensive to replace. I was quite shocked to find the price of a new one was over $1200.00 yes you are reading that correctly. Luckily ours is now working once we leveled the van. Nice and clean too.

We have found some material very similar to the original to replace the curtains and later we will replace the seat covers, the second can wait a bit. The first we are making a few changes to in length and adding block out. I like light but full on at 5am is a bit much for me every morning when enjoying a holiday. i have a wonderful friend making them for us. YEAH to wonderful friends who help out, If I was doing them we would still be making then for a year or so. She is extremely patient and working hard for us. It will not go unrewarded. Always value good friends!

Whilst cleaning out I found that my mum had collected over the years quite a few vintage tablecloths. They are lovely and i am loath to just shove them in the van. They are mostly staying home now. I have popped 2 in the van to use and they look so lovely on the table. I cannot wait until things start to come together. At least it is clean now inside and out.

We are finding out how to paint the outside as there are some panels that need some more white paint. We are also going to paint the strips back on with the kiddies. I think they will enjoy that. I wish I could find out the exact colour and return that to the van however I am not sure how to go about it. I have found a vintage caravan club however we don't really qualify as our van is too new. I am sure that they would have amazing information to pass on. I might try to see if they will accept us all the same.

I am also learning that when good friends are quiet that it can be that they are not well. I wish more than anything that I could do something. Sometimes things can be so hard for others and we are almost powerless to help. I will think carefully about this and see what i come up with. I am sure that there will be something.

Queensland is also in my thoughts, to see what is happening and realise how lucky we are is heartbreaking. I am praying that more people are not killed in this awful flooding. For all those having a tough time at the moment you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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