Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Budgets and Money?

Today I have been considering our expenses and wondering how we can continue like this after my other half returns to work or is working as a contractor.  I wonder how we will afford things and if I can actually start a wish list and realistically budget to get these items. I am not talking about silk dresses or first class tickets to Japan. I am talking about necessary items that would improve our quality of life or something that would help with house things.

I know that at the moment we are running very simply. We make everything just about, food wise and we are planting the veggie patch or about to with onions and beans (not together as they are not very compatible.)  We turn off all the electrical things when not in use. I am non compromising on not switching on lights until absolutely necessary.  I don't leave things on stand by and I am trying to find other ways to cut down or improve on things. I am selling off things that are taking up space around the house, I give away to Charity shops as well as I believe that others need things more than me. There is always someone worse of or who will get happy finding a wonderful bargain or fabulous find in these shops like I do. 

I have found other little ways to bring in other sources of income and thank goodness for that. Yet it continues to be very difficult. I know that we are not going to restaurants, movies or shows. That I don't even use a dryer to dry clothes. That we have a fan instead of the air conditioner where possible.  What more can I do to cut down and yet the costs are still there, the money still keeps going out at high levels.   

So I have decided to start tracking how much we are spending on things.  

I know that Petrol is very expensive especially with it jumping up yesterday to $158.9 cents per litre.  So that takes a huge cut of the weekly allowance. I do car share with another study buddy which helps keep costs down. One week I drive and one week my study buddy does. I might have to investigate to see if anyone else lives around this way and if they would like to be included in the car sharing.

Going to the supermarket is mainly Aldi's visits now. A couple of items are bought at Coles or Safeway or even Iga but mainly Aldi's . For a couple of reasons, they are located very conveniently.  They do seem to have a lot less additives and preservatives in their food and they are much cheaper.  Even with a very large shop we are only spending $40 - $45.  This would be more than double at one of the other supermarkets. 

I do buy in bulk where possible. Flour is one that I am going to start buying in larger quantities. I use quite a bit and buying just the 1 or 2kg packets are too expensive. I buy the larger size of washing powder, yes I use BioZet  (they are great and good for the environment so I haven't been able to switch just yet). I buy the 6kg from Big W which lasts me about a year. I am not sure it will this time but I am trying to make it last.   I also get the Costco toilet paper when one of my lovely friends or family (who have membership) do a shop.  I am happy to shop around and get the cheapest deals. I look for offers in the paper, found a lovely free yoghurt with a coupon and took it in and the kiddies had a mango and peach after school snack which they considered a lovely treat.

I am looking into the cheaper hair cuts and colours at the academies, rather than our lovely hairdresser.  Don't get me wrong I would rather stay with the hairdresser however sometimes we have to make necessary reductions. I know that we need things around the house, that we need to have money for the school fees and that this expense which we don't use very often is a luxury for me and the children. Maybe I can limit it just me.  The children I will carefully consider what i am going to do.  Not easy to just pop into the city with them after school.

Amazing how many hidden costs that you have to consider very carefully. I am going to look at all the costs of insurances and other things and change. i have no loyality to companies now if they are charging more than others, I want to know why or I will change.

So the plan is, increase incoming and decrease outgoings!  

i will let you know how I am going.... later.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a wonderful Job. Soon we will be earning more money and not have to be so frugal and have a little more lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, its great to cut costs wherever possible but it will be nice to do a few things again.
