Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Monday and Tuesday (just Tuesday)____

Another day of visiting my other half's family.  This time we have quite a few all meeting at his mum and dads place.  (although we didn't know that everyone was).  Shame that we didn't as we didn't have presents and things (except at home).  It made it a little interesting.  I don't like being caught out like that.

We finally got to meet the new addition to the family little Grace. (SO cute)  She was all smiles and only just 2 and 1/2 months old.   I was pushy and asked to hold when they were busy preparing for a feed, so she was not a happy camper then.  I did get to play with her for a bit and got lots of smiles.  (Yes I would love another baby, no I am not going to have one!)  My business will be my new baby.

My Red Headed hurricane was very busy that day, trying to keep up with all the older kiddies and especially the female cousin.  I get a little cross about my boy being treated like that. I have to bit my tongue and not say too much.  I try to just watch and not interfere in the play too much. I found myself stepping in quite often to protect both my boy and my girl.   Not a new situation.

My Hurricane was busy getting creative after the other children left.  He did a drawing of a car carrying vanilla extract.  He knows that I am not a chocolate lover, that I do LOVE vanilla.  So this was an important item and the car had been built to carry these items and be protected in their own capsules.

I love the thought that goes into his creations. I am always waiting for the next, although he is reluctant to do too many for me.  My Petal happily creates so many lovely drawings for me.  I have files and files of the precious papers and love messages.

It's funny how different children are!

It was a lovely visit really. Always good to catch up with family.  Nice to sit down together to a meal and enjoy each others company.  I am sad at how changed my other half father is. He has been removed from his medication and the changes were quite acute. It would seem that the medication is only continued if significant change occurs and unfortunately there was not enough improvement in his memory and facilities.  I directed him to my Hurricane and he didn't know which one he was. I saw the hesitation and confusion and realised that this was the reality of the situation, that people and things in the present are slipping away and the only things that are left are his past and people long gone. He is going on a medical trial whatever that means I am yet to find out the details.

So next day after a busy few days is Tuesday. A normal Tuesday away from Easter and cold.  Very COLD!  I had a good friend come and visit. That was wonderful, we scheme, we brainstorm, we vent and we laugh at what the children do. I feel normal when I am with her.  I feel less overwhelmed and more focused.  The troubles of the world seem less confronting and more moveable. I enjoy hearing how she deals with things and take on what will work for me.  My lovely amazing friend pointed out something that I had considered, that if my other half is starting a business he will need an office.  I realised that the only room available or not was the one that I had ear marked for my massage.  So it wasn't a perfect choice, especially with having to go through the bedroom to get to it, but it was going to be a great set up, I will have to reconsider this very carefully, it looks like I am giving it up!  I would like the set up to remain the same, I think it needs to change as it won't work as it is however I am sure that this will have to wait till we have some funds or take out a business loan to make the improvements. (Something I am a little reluctant to do. The one thing that has enabled us to keep our head above water whilst being retrenched is the fact that we DON'T owe any money).

We had a lovely lunch together she makes a salad look so lovely and taste even better. I don't have that flair I will have to watch her put it together next time normally I just help. I am still happy with the thai flavourings and I think I am wishing for the warmer weather again.

It was over to quickly the visit.

An amazing thing happened today.  I have long since been sad and given up finding my mums lovely pastry recipe.  I never asked her for the recipe before she died (I did ask about her mushy peas) and I realised after she was gone that I had not found it.  Something else that had disappeared from the house.  I think it has upset me the most. I remember my mums lovely, jam tarts, her apple and sultana pies and her mince pies but had no idea how to recreate them. Then today my other half bought me a piece of bank paper with my mums writing on it. At first I thought it was a shopping list (she often did that) and then on second glance I realised that it was pastry ingredients.  A simple recipe hand written on a bank paper, (My mums choice of paper as it was free and readily available).  After all these years of hoping and trying to find it here it was in my hand. I cannot begin to explain how happy this made me.  I am not even sure if it's the recipe that my mum used for all her pastry however just having this has made a big difference to me.  I had given it up for lost and gone. I had looked on the internet for something and not found the same and here it was.  A lovely lovely piece of bank paper.

It was a lovely present from mum for easter. I think we will be making mince pies early this year even earlier than Christmas in July!

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