Sunday, April 15, 2012

what works!

What I have noticed is that things work well when everything runs smoothly......

The budget ; we are able to even allow ourselves to buy something from the budget, I am not meaning anything big, but something small that we will enjoy.  A treat from the farmers market and couple of plants or something like that. I am still hoping to get the lime tree and apricot tree.

Study and revision and going to classes. I manage to get to all of the classes I get my homework completed without too much stress and then I get to make steady regular progress with my assignments and massages.

HOWEVER when things get complicated then everything starts to spiral out of control and the last couple of weeks have been exactly like that!

Easter and holidays is easy to make the budget blow out, put a speeding fine on top of that and then necessary car repairs or a service that is looming (long overdue), finally some repairs for the house and buying a new stove, well not only has the budget gone but some of the savings as well, thats before we pay for the day to day living expenses and other necessary bills that keep occurring!  My boy being sick has made study and sleep something that I have to juggle and negotiate, other homework non-existence and routines are gone to the dogs.

Then add to this, study with children at home during school holidays and the guilt of not doing lots of things with them.  This time we didn't go to the movies and I am sad about that, we didn't do lots of walks like I played and make things like I had planned.

It is hard to be happy and in control when everything is feeling way out of control and I just want to throw my hands up in the air.

So now we get back to what is important and necessary and we try to recover. If I have to repeat the exam then I repeat, if we have to just be a little leaner with the budget then I will find a way to do that as well or we find another way to add to it. There are other things to sell and other costs to cut and we just keep working on them.

The one thing that I enjoy about making things work more efficient is that we do a cull and we work out what is important.  That I feel like I can breathe again and that things get a little easier. Also that the things that remain start being used for their intended purpose or become more useful and worthwhile.

So on a different note how do you start a business what do you do. I don't mean the study and hard work I mean how do you create a look. I swing from one thing to another each and every day.
Today I like this.....

I think I could create the room around this with the lovely cool tones, the room will have lots of lovely natural light coming in. Then I wonder if this is too serious or too flamboyant and not the direction that I want to go at all. So I look at this and wonder, WHAT WORKS!

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