Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Exam tomorrow

We have been working on a reflexology subject. I have enjoyed this so very much and look forward to putting some of the techniques into practice. I used a couple in a recent massage that I did.  Very enjoyable and this is a subject that I would like to further my education with. So tomorrow I will work on one of my fellow students foot and a condition that will be from our list.  We have all sorts of conditions to work on from foot and legs cramps to asthma. All I have to do is memorise all the possible movements for all these treatments and I will be right. Lack of sleep is not making things easy for me.

Things are still tough at the moment however re-doing my subject at a later date seems to have taken a little bit of pressure off my situation.  Next problem needing solving is finding time to actually get my hours up so that I have that under control.

The children have been having very quiet plays together or watching movies, (it would seem the classics have been the most popular) which is all my Petal can be bothered doing whilst she is sick. Her favourite hobby of reading has been ditched and her appetite is almost nothing. I know that she is very sick poor love.

Yesterday I had to judge the impressive structure that they had built together with blocks and other things. It was a team effort with my Hurricane working on the main structure and guiding the Petal to what would be easiest for her.

There is a whole story that goes along with the structures.   "It is working with the police lego, the person who invents things gets to build all the goodies stuff and the other people get to build their character only but the person who gets the red scarf has to build the badies stuff."  this is part of the app that he wants to create and make money from!  My red Headed Hurricane is back to inventing and making money for the family.

My Hurricane was looking in my medical books to try and find a cure for his Pop, he knows he is sick and forgets things I am not sure how much he understands, sometimes much more that I ever realise.   Pop has vascular dementia and Alzheimer's and has recently deteriorated quite considerably since his recent stay in hospital.   He was looking for a picture that looked like his Pop's problems and he found it in my pain book and then when he went back to show me he couldn't find it. He is sure that his mummy could cure him from the information that I am learning about in anatomy and massage.  He explained this to his Nanny.  I love his faith in my abilities and my great books.

Finally my Petal is sleeping she hasn't slept at all last night nor today and finally bombed, after much resistance to allowing herself to sleep which is what she desperately needs to get better.  Nice to hear her snoring next to me on the couch, sound asleep.  Shame that it is nearly 6:30pm when she gave in after much ranting from me.

I wouldn't mind a little cat nap myself!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the inventive Hurricane. He will building iPhone apps by the dozen by the time he is a teenager. And looking after his Pop, so sweet.
