Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Petal

My petal has been diagnosed with A.D.H.D. (Organic) on top of other things. We are doing occupational therapy and had her neuropsyche come to school to evaluate and educate us and the teachers on what works best with her learning. We are now working on part 3 food and diet. Trying to eliminate additives from her diet and keeping a food and mood diary. Who knew that bicarb works on a cellular level and can reduce the effect of nasties in their diet. A teaspoon of bi-carb, in water and then add orange juice or something like that to taste.

So today instead of just taking food away from her and there is a lot of additives in things. (I am so sick of reading about petroleum products in the food aimed at children.) We would make ice cream for tonight. We threw out the supermarket bought ice cream and a lovely friend lent us an ice cream maker to try. (Thank you Pam). so first we popped in some whipped cream, yes with my lactose intolerance this is great for me lol! Then condensed milk and then some lovely vanilla. (Next time we will use the vanilla bean forgot this time). Our children tested everything at every stage and are completely sugared up and happily planting plants in the garden now on a lovely sugar high.

We thought with organic and farmers market food that we were doing alright. There are somethings that we hadn't considered like our lovely Margaret River yoghurt and ice cream that have some NASTIES in them. We have now been forced to make a lot more things. There are so many fillers and bulkers and chemicals added to things, to get the colour right, to get the alternatives to sugar and to just make them additive.

The good thing about making this is that all that the children think is that they are having something homemade (which at this stage in their lives is EXTREMELY appealing) and yum. Not that we are testing things to find out the effects and reduce or eliminate them from all of our diets. I believe that if one of us cannot eat it then none of us should. That way my petal does not feel excluded or different a cry I hear all to often lately.

Oh the sugary goodness of licking condensed milk straight from the can or tube yum. I hope you have a lovely sugary weekend!