Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things Change

Well things have been very interesting this week. It started out normal, school for my petal, home for me and my red headed hurricane and my other half off to work however on Tuesday the company he works for closed without any notice.

First comes the shock, how could this happen, then the panic, what are we going to do. How are we going to survive with no wages. Then the other emotions hit in huge waves and all sleep disappears. Our lovely breadwinner is having panic attacks and looking very warn and weary for someone who is not going to work.

We are all alright, I keep saying this to remind myself and to reassure everyone. We are alright! Our fabulous friends all have their ears to the ground and jobs and companies are being recommended to us. It is alright. We have a little savings, I watch too much Oprah NOT TO. lol. We can survive for a while without income and we might have to do this. In the meantime the list of jobs that have been patiently waiting might get tackled. I cannot wait. All I need to do is shake this flu that has hung on since the school holidays and I will be back in fine form. Ticking off the every growing list.

We explained it to our petal and she is thrilled to bits to have daddy at home and picking her up from school It is lovely being a family again for a bit and in the meantime we have some annual leave that is going to be used, well that is our excuse.

I am going back to the basics we don't live that expensively however things are being cut and changes being made. Aldi is the favourite place to shop, many more meals are prepared at home and the freezer is being emptied as it is jammed full of supplies. The cookbooks are being used again and life is back to a tight budget. We will live a simple life and sometimes that is great, things are not taken for granted. Supplies are being used. Meals are being planned and leftovers are used not just thrown. It is amazing how many things can be used, reused and re-cycled.

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