Saturday, June 23, 2012

Come on Charlie!

Fridays used to be very different,  massages,  homework and assignments a bit of housework and catching up on things.  Now my fridays are filled with helping care of my Other Half's father.

He has vascular dementia and alzeihmers so double dose of something insidious.

The progression from diagnosis to here has been very quick. I was warned my others, who had seen one of the diseases progression in family members, that it was VERY quick. I cannot believe and impress upon anyone how quick the demise is.

So on Friday, I help take care of him. It doesn't involve too much, a bit of toilet stuff, a bit of keeping him from running away.  A bit of house re-arranging (mostly walking around behind him putting things back when he removes them from cupboards or shelves and hides them somewhere else) and help with visits if we have to go to the doctors. I also try to massage his wrist/hand and arm or provide aids that he might need for his ongoing health problems.  I seem to have a calming influence on him, I am not sure how true this is, however well i talk to him, I try to make sense of things he saids, sometimes it's like doing a cryptic crossword other times it's just nonsense.  I help him with quotes and sayings when he loses the words. I do homework and speak to others to find out what might help stop this progress or even stay it a little.

This friday I noticed that the conversations where very difficult mostly just nonsense.

Sometimes we laugh not at him but just try to find the funnier side.  He joins in a laughs enjoying the fun and merryment. Mostly it is just really hard work.  So hard looking at someone that you know and love and they are there but not there at all.

This friday there was a dog that was bothering him.  He was calling to him and patting his leg and insisting that "Charlie" come to him and trying to persuade him however this dog was not making a move.  He tried for a few minutes and then stopped.

He then moved rooms however he was keeping his eye on the dog just in case he tried to go out.  The dog was resisting and in spite of his persistence the dog refused to budge much to his dismay.  "Come on Charlie"

(Charlie is a term that is often used in the family a name for anyone that is endeared to the family. Come on Charlie is often said by my other half's mother to anyone that she needs to move along especially to his father.  So hearing come on Charlie for the dog made perfect sense to me.)

We had a lovely conversation about the dog and that I didn't think he was going to be very obedient today or he might be having a nap.  This seems to make sense......

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