Monday, June 25, 2012

just one of those weeks!

I needed something to help lift my spirits. I have been having one of those weeks for a while now seems to be dragging on to one of those months. i found myself crying for hours the other day. I was so missing my girl, I was feeling sorry for myself and the tears continued to flow.  My back is sore, my assignments are piling up, I am cold, tired and over most things. I think I need a bit of vitamin d from the Queensland sun and even that seems to be hiding at the moment, not that I have either the time or the money to go there!

So next best thing. Baking and making... just food. I have sewing plans however I cannot possible justify making anything until all my work is done and dusted.

My Petal has been very upset too. She is over watching her friends eat anything and everything that she cannot half. It is close to the end of term and well we are all tired and looking forward to a break. I thought a lovely treat of something pink might help and we couldn't resist the lovely raspberries (a very very rare treat for us budget conscious) so they were going to go into an organic ice cream Pink and wonderful. I am also going to pop some on top, they just look so pretty. We managed to get some very cheap organic cream and I have plans for the little bottles too!

 I think they are just such a lovely looking fruit!

I find it difficult to capture the colour of the lovely pink ice cream but I am sure that you get the idea.

I also needed to make a date loaf. I have many missing people in my life.  This really makes me think of them and smile.

I also needed a food that was U for my hurricanes morning tea at school. Sometimes you have to be very creative, we had udon noodles however it was not really a morning tea food, so the next thing that came to mind was an Un-iced cake and Unsalted butter.

Please don't look at the washing in the background it was to help stop the light flooding the picture and that is my story!

1 comment:

  1. I find it is always worth the extra bother to go organic and to make it yourself. Tastes better and seems to last longer. Go you!!!
