Monday, November 12, 2012

November and I am being dragged along to Christmas kicking and screaming in protest

Today I hit the ground running well actually being dragged along fighting and kicking. I didn't want this week to happen. I didn't want to actually get back into things. I had a massage lined up, a new person and an experienced client. Well this normally sends me into a cold sweat at the best of times. So I didn't want to go, I had a headache, nothing bad just stress.  I knew this wasn't an acceptable excuse and by the time came around to leave I just didn't have anything except that I needed to catch up on housework and even that wasn't tempting. So I set off.  I did it and I felt great afterwards energised and ready to go. I was back into the swing of things, paid and another booking WONDERFUL.

So now I have to keep the momentum going. I have asked a couple of regulars if they need a massage and I am sorting out my week. I have plans to do some sewing again not sure if I will make a dress or 2 for my Petal or a skirt for me. I am cleaning like a women possessed and went outside to do some sweeping in between things.  Back to sorting and culling again. I have collected some lovely things at the op shop that we have needed now to get rid of somethings that we don't.

I have even started on christmas things.... I don't want to but well it is happening.  I have started on a hamper for our country cousins which I am very pleased with the progress this time, last time I struggled a bit. I am also working on things for the caravan for our holiday.  I have also had a bit of a find at the op shopping on the weekend.  We found some lovely water glasses, you can never have too many or enough in our case, also 2 tops for me.  We found a Thomas train set for my Red Headed Hurricane, a couple of video's for my Petal and a nice Boutique Beer glass for my other half too.

Bit tired after the activities today I will try to get photo's soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh finally found my way back! I have to say that you are so very organised, well done you!!!
