Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fishy biscuits

My Petal has been having a lot more problems with her ears. We have been to the specialist now and he confirmed that she has problems. Some hearing loss and fluid that will be problematic and cause future infections and secondary problems that will occur if the problems continue. So we are now trying a treatment to avoid the operation and help dry out her ears.

So the first this is NO DAIRY absolutely nothing, no butter, no yoghurt, no ice cream,  no cream or sour cream,  no buttermilk and no cheese and anything else that my Petal would like to eat.  We have been off milk for a while.  So that was not a problem.  We have been trying goats products with cheese and yoghurt and now that goes. My poor Petal just burst into tears.  So we are doing the soy yoghurt which is wonderful and then I bought some omega spread.

So yesterday I was inspired to make some biscuits, (on the spread container it said suitable for baking).  Happiness for my girl to have some lovely vanilla biscuits freshly baked when she got home from school and something that she could eat.  So i made them using this spread and then when they were hot out the oven myself we decided to try one. Who can resist freshly baked hot biscuits.

Well, the first bite confirmed something.  Fishy biscuits are not good! What i had failed to register was the omega spread when used in baking has a fishy taint, maybe some fish oil for the omegas. No smell prior to this when I it was straight out the fridge, a strong taint when used in baking.

So our first lesson in using alternatives is to test first. I don't know if the same taint would be obvious when used on toast or sandwiches.  I wasn't willing to find out after the first biscuit.  So we went back to the drawing board, or the shop in this case and bought a different non dairy spread.  Not too many options unless we went for margarine which is not great for us.  I will let you know how the next one goes with the baked goods.


  1. Oh my goodness, the poor little dear heart! I use soy spread & cook biscuits with olive oil instead of butter and they taste just great! Try that next. I hope things improve for you all. xoxoxo

  2. I will now try olive oil! Thanks for the tip. X

  3. oooh and almond meal is nice too but I haven't mastered that. Give little Petal a big hug from me please.

  4. we use almond meal in banana bread. It's great stuff. I will give her a big hug you big your boy a big cuddle from us too!
