Thursday, July 12, 2012

one day for the family!

So on Wednesday we decided that we need a family day.  It was a lovely day and looking quite warm outside, so perfect for a walk or 2,  time for a quick visit to my long dreamed about Op Shop in Mont Albert. (I am there but never when they are open!) and then on to the movies and maybe even dinner and dessert out.

So off we went!  We arrived in time for the shop to be open. It's a Vinnies in Mont Albert, although there are 2 op shops in this street.  This one was the one that I often dribbled at their window. Looking at all the beautiful things. So wonderful. Well in we went and now this is when everything changed. The prices in this shop were not even close to anything that we could afford. Most of the beautiful things were priced over $100 and that was that. It was lovely it had amazing things and it was totally unaffordable.  We did manage to find some lovely books for the children at reasonable and quite good prices much closer to op shop prices.  I found a lovely orange mid century looking vase and lashed out. It was $13 and the lady at the counter was quite shocked at the price.   I am thinking that next time we will find another place to go to instead of this one.  It was lovely to visit just such a shame when you cannot afford anything nice in the op shop!

Next place, the Movies for the kiddies.  We were going to see Brave, however our lovely Sister in Law had rung up and invited them out for the day and one of the outings was to see Brave. A very good choice I am sure.   They came home with big smiles and totally exhausted with many presents including dinner and dessert for everyone complete with the recipes as well.  Now how it that for a complete day.  (I am quite sure they would have worn her out more than the other way around.)  We were happy enough to see Ice Age with them instead.  It was great fun and I think the kiddies laughing all the way through which adds to the enjoyment of the experience.

After that we decided on our lovely cheap and cheerful cafe for Vietnamese food. YUM. I had Tom Yum with noodles, although our friend that came with us had Beef and I think that might be the choice next time. His meal came out first, poor dear and we all dived on it to try.  So very very good.   We also had the lovely sugar cane drinks, we really enjoy this as our extra treat. A walk and some dessert was consumed in the car talking about our favourite things on the way home. A very enjoyable day and i think that we might have another one like that soon.


  1. Crazy times when op shops are unaffordable.
    Incidentally I accidentally went to Blondemomentblog - crikies, is all I can say!

  2. Yes however well there are lots of other lovely ones to discover with lots of treasures! Stay away from the other blog, bit different to mine.

  3. Totes! Learned my lesson. Will just launch from email next time - my eyes, my eyes!!
