Tuesday, February 21, 2012

tuesday pancakes

Whilst ironing, I was looking out the window as tv viewing was not holding my attention. The nasty neighbour family member was walking past. He stopped and looked around and made sure that no one was watching and then threw the empty bottle that he was carrying into our garden. I have been trying hard to ignore the build up of rubbish from their overflowing bins. Mostly I pick it up and put it in our bin, this time I decided not to ignore this and before he realised I was outside and walking to where he had thrown the rubbish, he ran inside quickly and shut the door. I left it back in his yard. So now I know where the rubbish has been coming from and where to return it ALL and there is quite a bit that will be going back to them.

Their rubbish is providing some source of amusement for us. There is a beer bottle sitting on their table outside and has been for quite some time we are wondering how long it will stay there before they finally get sick of it and one of the lazy people throws it in the recycling bin. To date it has been there for over 2 months. I might have to include a photo one day if it stays there for a while longer.

Pancakes and fresh bread happened today. The children enjoyed pancakes for dessert with homemade vanilla bean ice cream and maple syrup it is not a bad life. Our home was busy with cooking and making lots of mess. I am left to clean up and enjoy myself with a glass of wine and some dishes. My other half is out attending a seminar, with a bit of a push he was gone. Tonight it's me and the tv. Tomorrow I have to work through the box of red capsicums that we bought for a great price at the farmers market. I have stuffed a few, I am using some grilled ones for relish and then I will have to find one more recipe for the remaining 8 or so.

Do you know how hard it is to get back into the routine and achieve things when everything changes and there is another adult in the house during the day a lot less money and still the same needs. Just when I sort something out then it changes and not necessarily with a good change. I think I will have to stand my ground and make sure that things are working and flowing smoothly before I return to school...... next week.

i was doing the sums and it works that I have about 3-4 exams a month and this thought alone is making me panic. I mean really sweating palm and heart racing panic. I am still waiting for the results of last years certificate and then at least I know I have passed and can move forward and continue this amazing journey.

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