Saturday, March 31, 2012


Today at school we were doing our elective subject of Cupping.

Using glass cups and flame methods we were doing theory for the first 5 hours and then the later part of the day we were cupping anyone lying on the tables. Every cup that we could find would go on and off the back whilst trying all different methods.  My back is an amazing picture of circles and marks.  My practitioners were a little disappointed that the really dark marks were not appearing, I put that down to the juice and water and the improvement of diet and lifestyle.

Whilst the marks look quite painful, they are not at all.  They are just the toxins being drawn out of the body.  Each colour means something.  Sometimes the skin is left cold, sometimes warm and sometimes moist.

I have never had cupping prior to this and never seen it done before so I was able to go in with an open mind and quite fascinated by the whole experience.  I immediately purchased cups after the end of the day today.  I am not quite keen to try them out again and I will be incorporating them into the massage if anyone is happy to have them done, or at least try them. I think it is well worth trying if you haven't experienced it.  I would start with the glass ones and find someone capable of doing the flame method.

Earth hour has come and gone it was lovely having the house, peaceful and dark.

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